
Council Of Ministers Condemns Taliban Barbaric Acts In Kunduz

Tuesday October 6, 2015
Kabul (BNA) The Council of Ministers (CoMs) in its meeting with chief executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah on the chair yesterday strongly condemned the Taliban barbaric attacks and crimes committed in Kunduz against its people.
Dr. Abdullah who represented Afghanistan at UN General Assembly said that the world body paid attention to Afghanistan and development in this country. The Chief Executive also added in the joint meeting of Afghanistan, US and China, the friends of Afghanistan once again pledged to help Afghanistan government and its people. With regard to Daesh, he said that the coalition under US vowed to fight Daesh terrorist group. Dr. Abdullah said that during his speech at General Assembly he briefed the world community on development in Afghanistan and challenges lying ahead and stated that terrorists’ sanctuaries are in Pakistan. Paying tribute to the martyrs of Kunduz and in other parts of the country, the chief executive said that the government is responsible to clarify its stance with regard to the complains of Kunduz people and explain the reason which led to the fall of Kunduz by enemies. The crimes committed by Taliban in Kunduz have indicated that there is no change between new and old Taliban, the chief executive said, adding Taliban is a terrorist group and the enemies of this land Afghanistan. Dr. Abdullah also assured the people of Kunduz to review the appointment of provincial officials there in the province, besides identifying the reason for the fall of Kunduz. Welcoming the readiness of Mujahideen to support the national security forces, Dr. Abdullah said that as per the need the forces would be used within the framework of the system of the country. Interior minister also presented his report on the security situation in Kunduz and the readiness of the national security forces to defend the life and honor of people at any cost.  According to another report, Dr. Abdullah met with advisory board of CE.

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