
Ministry of Information and Culture Secures and Restores Thousands of Historical Relics: Khairkhwa


KABUL (BNA): The acting Information and Culture Minister, Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, announced today, Saturday that a remarkable effort has been made to preserve and protect the country’s rich historical heritage.

The ministry have transferred 5,000 historical relics from various regions to the National Museum, prevented the smuggling of 1,500 precious monuments, and restored an additional 2,000, said Acting Minister Khairkhwa druing an event.

Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, Acting Information and Culture Minister, emphasized the importance of preserving Afghanistan’s cultural heritage by reclaiming historical relics that have been illegally smuggled out of the country.

He declared these precious relics as the national wealth and property of Afghanistan, urging relevant international organizations to collaborate in their return and ensure their protection.

The Ministry of Information and Culture has been diligently working to protect Afghanistan’s cultural treasures, which bear witness to the nation’s rich history and diverse heritage.

The recent achievements reflect the dedication and commitment of the Ministry, further highlighting their efforts to preserve the country’s historical legacy.


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