
House Of People Discusses Draft Of Basic Lines

Saturday, November 03, 2012
Kabul (BNA) At the meeting chaired by Nematullah Ghafari second secretary of the House of People, the deputies discussed varying important issues in the country.
Initially, the deputies strongly condemned the suicide attack on the first day of Eid in Maimana City Congregation Mosque and martyrdom of five countrymen on the way of Ghazni by the enemies of the country asking the security foundations to seriously follow up and legally pursue the perpetrators of those incidents.
The deputies also complained over the lack of quorum in the parliament and the shortage of the teachers in the country’s school, intervention of deputies and high ranking officials in appointments in the ministries, existence of problems and high prices of electricity bills, closure of the squares in Kabul and asked for addressing of these problems by the government in charges.

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