

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Kabul (BNA)  The decision of president Ghani regarding to the sacking a number of security staff of Kunduz province has increased the trust of the people in ensuring justice and strengthened good governance and the process of democracy in the country.
The political analyst of BNA commenting on the issue writes the president of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan visited Kunduz last Thursday. It was his second visit in a month. The visit took place after that the fact-finding delegation assigned to investigate the reasons behind the fall of Kunduz to the hand of Taliban, released its report through the media, and informed the people on that regard.
The report identified the activities of some local authorities, lack of coordination among the authorities and a wide gap in administrative structure of local government as the main reasons behind the collapse of Kunduz city.
Also, the visit tooke place in a time the delegates of Kunkuz in parliament, a number of activists   of civil society and Kunduz citizens expressing their concern about the future of the province claimed that the operation of security forces in suburbs of the city  for removing the terrorists for the area is not enough.
According politicians the visit by the president is a proper response to the reported present by the fact-finding delegation and the residence of Kunduz who have already expressed their concerns about the situation.
The president in his visit to Kunduz acting according the report of fact-finding delegation, sacked some security personnel from their jobs, and added three new districts to the administrative structure of that province. 
Likewise the president by sacking a number of security personnel from their duties due inefficiency, indeed paved the way for good governance and democracy.
In the same time, president assigned Mohammadullah Baktash the minister of transport a resident of the province and enjoys of having reputation among the people to take effective and necessary preparation for holding a public meeting of Kunduz citizens. In order through the meeting, pave the way for appointing the new governor and the other high-ranking officials of the province. 
The president visiting Kunduz showed that the situation of the province is of great importance for the central government and let not the last the disastrous incidences repeat again.
The president also proved that he would not involve in political and non – political in such causes.
The people insist what the president performed in Kunduz should extended to other provinces because they also suffering the same problems that Kunduz experienced earlier.
There are hopes that necessary and reasonable reforms take place in central and local governments in order necessary coordination established and the incidents like collapse of Kunduz or Umgan district Badakhshan, Sangin district of Helmand and Darqad district of Takhar province not repeat again. Also, the state should take effective measures for tranquility of security and defending personnel because, they have accepted to scarify everything even their soul in defending and ensuring peace and stability in the country.   Abdul Khalil Minawi   

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