
Cricket Ground Opened In Kabul

Monday, December 19, 2011
Kabul (BNA) The cricket ground which is expected to cover up to 10,000 fans in one time had been opened which is said to be built in 14 acres of land, with the total cost of $ 1 million paid by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
At a ceremony attended by finance minister, Dr. Omar Zakhilwal lauded success of the cricket and football teams and wished further success for the national team and under-19 cricket team of the country.
The ceremony was also attended by the minister of economy, Kabul mayor, advisor minister and deputy chief of Afghanistan cricket board, Shahzada Masoud, Care institution reprehensive and many other sport fans hoping further success for the team and calling construction of the sport as too effective in development of sport in the country.
This is the second sport ground to be opened in the capital Kabul, the end of which a friendly competition had been taken place between the national team and the under-19 cricket team.

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