
Fiber Production Factory Opened In Kabul

Wednesday, October 09, 2013
Kabul (BNA) An industrial factory named Paktika Shaheen fiber producing factory started its operation the other day in Kabul.
In a ceremony held for opening of the factory Haji Shaikh Mohammad, head of the factory said, “Two million dollars have been invested in the factory having the capacity to produce 7,000 tons fiber in a day, adding empty water and other beverages bottles are used as raw material for producing fiber in the factory.”
In the opening ceremony of the factory AISA Chairman Wafiullah Eftekhar said, “Investment of two million dollars in the factory indicates that our investors are continuing to invest for construction of their country.”
In the ceremony, head of Brishna Company Abdul Razaq Samadi said the company was ready to provide electricity for industrial sites of the country.

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