
Pakistan Is Not Only Producing Terrorism, But Also Exporting It: Pashtun Journalist

Thursday February 28, 2019

Kabul (BNA) Aurangzeb Khan Zalmay, Editor of The Pashtun Times condemned the Pulwama terrorist attack. Being a Pashtun himself, Aurangzeb said that the Pashtun welcome surgical strike conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF). He said, “Being a Pashtun I condemn the Pulwama terrorist attack. After this attack we saw Indians sinking into grief. It was an irreversible loss for Indian jawans. As far as the recent surgical strike is concerned, Pashtun welcome this attack. Pashtun in Pakistan are tired of the atrocities of Pakistani militaries upon Pashtuns. Not only Pashtuns, but also Baloch and Sindhis are suffering from these atrocities. Pakistan is not only producing terrorism, but Pakistan is also exporting terrorism to the world. People want to get rid of terrorism.”

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