
Ex Government Officials Express Contentment with Islamic Emirates Policies in Panjshir

KABUL(BNA): Former government officials, in a meeting with Governor Hafiz Mohammad Agha of Panjshir, expressed that the citizens of Afghanistan, particularly those hailing from Panjshir province, are expressing contentment with the policies and actions of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

In the meeting, Mohammad Omar Zakhilwal, the former Minister of Finance of the previous government, countered rumors circulating abroad regarding the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. He asserted that the establishment of the Islamic system has fostered an atmosphere of unity and peace in Afghanistan, particularly in Panjshir, a change not previously witnessed.

He further urged high-ranking ex-government officials to return to Afghanistan, dismissing foreign influences and emphasizing their crucial role in restoring the nation’s dignity and fostering prosperity.

Additionally, Governor Karamuddin Karim of Panjshir province, from the previous government, stated that he has been living in Afghanistan with all members of his family since the establishment of the Islamic Emirate and is satisfied with it’s positive behavior approach.

“The people of Panjshir no longer trust or have confidence in the former government officials, and they should also know that they cannot deceive the people with tricks and deceit anymore. We will spare no effort in supporting and strengthening the foundations of the Islamic system with our people.” He further remarked.

Hafiz Mohammad Agha, the governor of Panjshir, reaffirmed the Islamic Emirate’s dedication to enhancing services, instigating positive reforms, quashing hypocrisy, and fostering national unity, all in alignment with its policies. He emphasized that these commitments have been demonstrated in practice.

With a hopeful outlook for the nation’s future, the governor of Panjshir highlighted that the presence of these two former officials reflects security assurance in the country, especially in Panjshir. He underlined that the Islamic Emirate has no enmity with anyone and that now is the time to focus on the country’s prosperity and development.


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