
Prof. Rabbani’s 5th Martyrdom Anniversary Marked

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Kabul (BNA) The 5th martyrdom anniversary of Shaheed Prof. Burhanuddin Rabbani (the Peace Martyr) marked here in Kabul at Loya Jirga tent on Friday, the president press office said in a statement.
In the ceremony, Chief Executive, Dr. Abdullah spoke about personality and martyr Rabbani’s background, adding reminding of the martyrs is our religious responsibilities, the statement added.
He added that Prof. Rabbani had been always thinking about restoring peace and had called it the only way to help Afghanistan get rid of the challenges and stressed that war is not the solution, the statement continued.
We ought to appreciate and support the Afghan security forces, because they are making sacrifices each day to protect their countrymen, the statement quoted the CE as saying.
A jihadi leader, Abdul Rabb Rassoul Sayyaf talked about jihad period and Prof. Rabbani’s efforts, adding that he was a great mujahid and had always been thinking about peace and national unity, as he had been martyred in this path.
Likewise, former president Hamid Karzai spoke out about personality of Shaheed Rabbani, adding he was a role model of virtue who had been always thinking about all-out peace and national unity and had been martyred in the peace path.
In the ceremony, the message of First Vice President Gen. Dostum was read out saying that Martyr Rabbani had done much to his dear homeland.
The message added that Martyr Rabbani had made much effort to ensure peace and stability in the country and finally lost his live in this ways, the message added.
In the ceremony, Atta Mohammad Noor, second deputy to CE, Mohammad Mohaqiq, head of Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan, Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal also spoke about Martyr Rabbani and applauded his services in regard with peace process.
Salahuddin Rabbani, Minister of Foreign said that Prof. Rabbani had always stressed that war is not the solution and that the problems should be figured out through negotiations. Representing Prof. Rabbani’s family, Minister Rabbani thanked the participants and the related commission on holding of the ceremony.
The ceremony was attended by Chief Executive, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Second Vice President, Sarwar Danesh, DE first and second deputies, President’s Special Representative and Reforms and Good Governance, Ahmad Zia Massoud, former President, Hamid Karzai, Jihadi leaders, Abdul Rabb Rassoul Sayyaf and some members of the cabinet, national assembly and a number of political figures and jihadi leaders.

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