
Diplomatic Meeting between Afghanistan and Malaysia Highlights Strengthening Ties

KABUL (BNA): The Embassy of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in Kuala Lumpur has disclosed details of a significant diplomatic encounter between Afghan and Malaysian officials.

According to a statement from the Afghanistan Embassy, Naqibullah Ahmadi, the Acting Head of the Afghanistan Embassy, met with Dato Ahmad Azam Abdul Rahman, the Advisor to the Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the ministry’s representative for Afghanistan.

The meeting centered on Dato Ahmad Azam’s recent visit to Kabul, during which he expressed positive sentiments and highlighted the fruitful meetings and warm reception he experienced.

In response, Naqibullah Ahmadi remarked that Malaysia is a friendly country to Afghanistan and emphasized the commitment to collaborate on the outcomes of Dato Ahmad Azam’s visit in order to further strengthen the ties between the two Muslim nations.


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