
London Conference, Proper Opportunity For New Afghan Government

Sunday November 30, 2014
Kabul (BNA) The government of Afghanistan and civil society are preparing for London summit, which could be called a proper opportunity for the Afghan government to renew its commitment in good governance and fight against corruption.
The conference would also be an appropriate chance for the civil society to present their suggestions and willing the conference for improving the country’s condition in different fields.
During the last tenure, there were many distances between the Afghan government and the international community something even had overshadowed the international aids to the country and created distrust between them.
We lost much of the international community’s aids after 2 years of the Tokyo Summit; however some developments had taken place in the situation.
Considering the new system’s commitment to fight corruption and remove those corrupts from the government’s structures and the increasing international community’s trust on the new government, Afghanistan is now enjoying a good opportunity to reach its goal of how to bring reforms in the system. Deep reforms in the new system, including transparently collection of the customhouses’ revenues and those of the small enterprises, supplying services of the people, (with deep attention on uprooting war and violence motivations, which one of them is poverty) investment in rebuilding infrastructures, are some key points, the London Conference can pave the way for the Afghan government to discuss on, to take necessary steps in solution. The international community, considering the short time, the new government had passed, would wait for the new Afghan government to offer its proposals and share its main goals for reforms with the member nations.
Properly using the aids would also be one of the issues to be discussed at the summit in the Afghan government how to secure its expenditure, as well as the summit would discuss, if the contribution was enough for Afghanistan, or the country needs much compared to the last year of the NATO supply. In conclusion, this should be mentioned that Afghanistan needs urgent needs to the international community on good governance and fight on corruption as well as the donor nations through the summit would seek the Afghan government commitment how to use the aids and how it could do its best on restoring good governance, considering the last 13 years of its achievements. The nascent democratic system should be protected by both the government and the people and the relations between Afghanistan and the international community should further be tightened.

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