
President Karzai Rejects Obama’s Demand For Meeting

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Kabul (BNA) Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a news conference said the US President’s demand for meeting Afghanistan President in Bagram Airfield had been rejected by President Hamid Karzai yesterday.
Speaking in a news conference, Ahmad Shekib Mustaghni said, “US President Barak Obama made a surprise visit to Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield on Sunday night to meet US forces. Later on, US embassy to Kabul in a contact with Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked that US President would like to meet with President Hamid Karzai in Bagram Airfield, adding after passing the request to the President, he rejected the request and asserted that he is ready to receive the US President at Presidential Palace.”
Spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs asserted after rejecting US President’s request for meeting President Karzai in Bagram Airfield by President Hamid Karzai, the two Presidents exchanged views in a telephone contact. The spokesman didn’t give further details related to the phone call.

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