
Afghans Continue Their Patriotic Efforts For Resorting Peace In Afghanistan

Saturday, March 23, 2013
Kabul (BNA) The Afghan war suffering people with great wishes and desires marked Norris the first day of the New Year.  As previous years, the true Afghans are committed to ensuring peace and security and ending bloodshed in their country.
The year passed was characterized with in fatigable efforts for peace and a year with great political, social and economic achievement along with severe challenges.
Glorifying the commencement of the New Year, the Afghans once again renew their commitments to work hard for bringing greater positive essential changes in life of the nation and to rid the country from imposed war and terrorist attacks.
The political analyst of BNA writes:
The long history of Now Nawroz indicates that it encouraged the people for building a better environment and using the pleasant nature for brotherhood and a peaceful coexistent life. Therefore, this heritage of our great ancestors asks us to start the New Year with honest commitments for building our homeland and healing the wounds of our suffering compatriots. As the second vice president states in his message on the eve of the New Year., “this year we should work indefatigably for ensuring a long standing peace, social justice, coexistence, economic development, public welfare and removing all kinds of discriminations that its consequences would be fatal and intolerable for our already suffering people.”
Anyway, another year with bitter and sweet experiences passed, now it’s both for the authorities of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the leadership of armed oppositions learning from those experiences with new commitments to welcome the New Year
Now it is required for the armed oppositions to rethink about the explosions and suicide attacks they have carried out so far and what they achieved. With killing and mourning their compatriots whom did they please and whom did they put in grief and agony. It is certain that the answers are not in to the benefit of Taliban and entire Afghans. So, the time asks them to wisely rethink about the political situation of the country and desist from fratricide.
Aiming to end bloodshed in the country, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan announced the peace process program in order no Afghan became the fuel of this tyrannical dispute.
The political experts believe, dispute and discord have provided the ground for interferences of foreigners and made the situation in Afghanistan more complicated. The present situation asks every Afghan who consider themselves heirs and owners of this sacred land to rethink and end this tragedy.
The previous year was full of achievements for Afghan people, during the last year; the security forces of the country took the security responsibility of about 75% of the territory of the country; also during the same year, Afghanistan signed strategic agreements and political agreements and contracts with a number of countries, tenths of armed opposition joined peace process and tens of the prisoner were released from prisons and talks on handing over the responsibilities of the prisons to Afghan security forces  are underway.
Also it was in the same year that the international community determined their commitments during the evolution decade in Afghanistan. Likewise, the Afghans enjoyed numerous achievements in political, military, economic, social and cultural fields.
The New Year asks us all, to welcome it with specific commitments that are to decisively fight the evil phenomenon of corruption and drug trafficking and to restore the rule of law and to end all irregularities in the country.
Written By: Khalil Minawi BNA Director

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