
Afghanistan, China Seek Joint Counter-Terrorism Cooperation

Tuesday February 10, 2015
Kabul (BNA) President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani said yesterday that Afghanistan is committed to fight terrorism.
He made the remarks in meeting with the deputy to foreign ministry of the People’s Republic of China here in Arg yesterday.
During the meeting matters relating mutual interests including enhancing relations between the two countries, war on terror and regional cooperation were discussed.
Conveying the best wishes of Chinese president to his Afghan counterpart and thanking Afghanistan over its war on terror, the official assured for Beijing cooperation in this regard. Terming the achievements of president Ghani in the 51st security conference held in Munich as very positive, the Chinese diplomat praised the president for calling further support in war on terror.
The Chinese official also assured his country’s long-term support to Afghanistan, saying the people-to-people contact especially the visits of lawmakers, civil society and youths from each other countries is important for farther enhancing relations between China and Afghanistan. He also noted that Afghanistan has strategic importance for the region and can serve as bridge for security and economic cooperation in the same. For his part, president Ghani thanked China and asked the Chinese dignitary to convey his best wishes to Chinese president and other leaders of that country.  President Ghani also stated in the meeting that Afghanistan is committed in the war on terror and also wants China cooperation in this field. The president also said Afghanistan wants China to cooperate in the economic sector especially in infrastructure and managing water resources.

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