
Chief Executive Meets Deputy To IOM

Sunday May 10, 2015

Kabul (BNA) Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah met Laura Thompson the deputy to International Organization for Migration (IOM) here yesterday. During the meeting, the official appraised the Chief Executive about IOM programs on Afghanistan said that the entity has been cooperating Afghanistan in the fields of refugees repatriation, assisting returnees and natural disaster affected people, cooperation with the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation, Ministries for Interior and Communication since long and is committed to continue the cooperation. Thanking the visiting IOM deputy and IOM cooperation, the Chief Executive said that the National Unity Government is thankful for IOM cooperation with Afghanistan. The dignitary said that IOM like the past is ready to bring Afghan experts from foreign countries to Afghanistan and also would continue to support the natural disaster management authority. Expressing his gratitude to IOM over supporting the program for electronic Tazkira or national identity card, the Chief Executive said that computerize ID card would help to ensure transparent elections.

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