
Role of China in Afghan Peace Process

Thursday August 9, 2018

Kabul (BNA) Due to its high regional position, China could play effective role in Afghan peace process. In the course of history, China has not played negative role on Afghanistan. China can play good coordinating role between Afghanistan and Pakistan and can create a good table for ensuring peace and understanding for intra-Afghan dialogue.
China cooperation for restoration of everlasting peace and sustainable development in Afghanistan is very important.
The HPC authorities said that, possible visit of Chinese authorities with Taliban accelerates peace process. The Financial Times has reported recently that Chinese officials have met Taliban. Although HPC doesn’t confirm this news, butsaid that efforts of every country in Afghan peace process is very important.
Following the US and a number of Islamic countries, now China plans to play a role in Afghan peace process. The report of Financial Times adds that this is another development in Afghanistan peace efforts.
Report adds that Pakistan has asked Chinese authorities to visit Afghan Taliban. In an interview with The Financial Times, a Pakistani official said that Beijing wants to have a role in settlement of 17 years long Afghanistan crisis.
This unidentified Pakistani official said that China plans to make efforts for Afghans-led and owned talks.
Meanwhile HPC said that although they have no information on this meeting but welcome efforts of every country in peace process.HPC spokesman Sayed Ehsan Taheri said, if such meeting had taken place, it would speed up Afghanistan peace efforts.
As a strategic and neighboring country of Afghanistan and as one of the supporters of Afghan-led peace process, no doubt China has strong military- political impact on Pakistan and can play major role in this process.
During the last year, the Chinese authorities had also hosted Afghan Taliban in their country but the precise date and time of their last meeting is not clear. Chinese foreign ministry has not denied these talks and said that Beijing has always supported Afghan-led, owned peace efforts.
At the same time, one should acknowledge that achieving a reliable stability in Afghanistan is connected to regional and global efforts and with their partnership in megatrans border projects, the regional countries should show their readiness for their security. It is natural that implementation of these primary stages, is impossible without China and Pakistan partnership.
At the moment, Afghanistan is on the front line of war on terror and extremism. If this line is broken or weakened, China and Russia would be insecure. Taking into account the type of shaping of regional security equations, ISIL, Al-Qaeda and all other terrorist groups, are trying to reach China and Russia and due to this reason, Afghanistan would be the frontline.
Every year, people are victimized by proxy war and thousands innocent Afghan citizens are killed and injured and the frank outcome of peace and war in Afghanistan leaves the first actual impact on life of our people.
Lailuma Noori

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