

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Kabul (BNA) Hamid Karzai, president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan meeting the US army chief of staff once again insisted that security cooperation agreement with US would be signed when the document could guarantee a stable and united Afghanistan.
BNA political commentator writes on that regard:
Hamid Karzai, president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan met General Martin Dempsey the US army chief of staff in Kabul the other day. The main topic discussed at the meeting was signing a security cooperation agreement between the two countries. The Afghan government sometimes ago in a unilateral move, suspended talks on signing a security cooperation agreement with US. Afghan authorities in Kabul accused Americans that they have not acted according to their commitments regarding the establishment of the Taliban’s office in Qatar. Earlier Afghanistan also insisted that signing of any security agreement with US should have a clear prospective that could guarantee peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan repeatedly has said that it never hurry signing such an agreement and will obtain the opinions of political elites and people in every stage of the process.
President Hamid Karzai in his meeting with US army chief of staff once again made it clear that security cooperation would be signed when the Afghans become confident that the signing of the agreement would be effective in restoration of peace and stability in their country and leads to the establishment of a strong security force and guarantees a powerful and united Afghanistan.
These conditions are repeated again and again while Afghanistan has already signed strategic cooperation agreements   with several powerful countries of the world including USA, but unfortunately, so far those agreements had no any benefit to Afghanistan and as before foreign aggression threatens Afghanistan, it indicates that they are not honest regarding to Afghanistan
Regretfully a number of countries that have signed strategic cooperation agreements with Afghanistan know about the location of terrorists’ hideouts, sanctuaries and how they are funding and equipping and sending to Afghanistan for killing people, but kept silence. Using these bitter experiences, Afghanistan won’t sign any agreement that has been in one side’ interest and could not end the pains and sufferings of Afghan people. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan will sign security cooperation with US when there is no any ambiguity in it and could not be uses as a means of pressure. While Afghanistan is thinking about its national interests in the negotiations, there are foreign pressures that threaten that if the negations fail the presence of foreign forces particularly American forces in Afghanistan will reach zero point.
The political experts in Afghanistan consider the statement of General Dempsey positive which says, “Militarily, we want to know about the future clearly through bilateral security agreement.” Afghanistan also wants signing such an agreement should have a transparent future and the interests of the both sides should be considered according to the realities in order a ground for a positive and active cooperation be provided and eventually lead to the complete eradication of terrorism in the region.  

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