
Taliban Should Opt Peace Process, Like Hezb-E-Islami

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Kabul (BNA) Chief Executive, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah asked the Taliban to opt peace like the Hezb-e-Islami, his office said in a statement the other day.
Marking the great day of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Birthday, the CE congratulated the great event of the prophet birthday and said the event was a turning point to the human being history and a struggle between cruelty and justice, and light and darkness, through which He (PBUH) could rescue the world from ignorance, the statement said. The CE asked Taliban to give up arm and join peace process like the Hezb-e-Islami as he said there was no other option to use as the means of success, the statement quoted. Attended the meeting, the Afghanistan Countrywide Ulama Council Chairman, Mawlavi Qyamuddin Keshaf spoke about different perspectives of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH and asked the government for prevention of corruption, armed robberies and other criminal activities against the Islamic teachings. The message of Countrywide Ulama Council has been read out by Judge Sulaiman Hamid, part of which read what the people of Afghanistan are now suffering to be an imposed war, with some neighboring countries willing to fuel it for long in the country. “Militants would either be killed or join peace process, as the enemies of the country want to fuel long imposed war in Afghanistan.”

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