
Pakistan Should Not Devoid Terrorists In To Good And Bad: President’s Spokesperson // Commentary

Monday, October 19, 2015

Kabul (BNA)   The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ask the neighboring country Pakistan to avoid dividing Taliban in to good and bad and present a precise definition from terrorism and extremism.
BNA analyst who closely follows the issues related to the region regarding to the above issue writes terrorism and extremism have established as a heinous and painful phenomenon and their activities area is not limit to a specific geographical location. The solution of this acute problem, which threatens humanity, will be available to be considering as an international problem.  
If we look, back the incidents of the recent years, the focus of terrorist networks activities were Afghanistan and sponsors of these barbaric and cruel networks have tried hard to destroy this country and change it to the sanctuary of terrorists and  extremists. For this reason, if we judge honestly, so far the Afghans have stood firm against these inhuman and evil groups, fought, and still fighting bravely against the dangerous enemies of humanity. 
Even though, the objectives of terrorist and extremist networks are clear and obvious but some countries and intelligence services trying to use these barbaric and ignorant networks as a means for achieving their satanic and ambitious goals.
Presently, Afghanistan is threatened by terrorist circles such as Taliban, Daesh and Al-Qaida while they enjoy the regional and behind regional support.
The spokesperson of the president regarding to the threat of terrorist says that the terrorists follow regional and beyond regional objectives and following great goals, they want use Afghanistan as a base and corridor.
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan insists that the region and international community should jointly stand against terrorism and extremism because, the world security closely related to the security of Afghanistan.
The political experts believe the concerns of Afghan people and government should be perceive and taken seriously, while there are certain circles in Pakistan try to achieve their strategic objectives in Afghanistan via using terrorist networks as a means. This kind of thinking shows their inadequate political literacy and indicates to the rightfulness of the spokesperson of Afghan president. He suggests that:  Pakistan should not divide terrorists in to good and bad but act the same against terrorists and target them the same in order the tourists be eliminate in Pakistan. In this way,   distinction will be make which group is pro-peace and peace negotiations.
It should be note that Pakistan on the eve of its prime minister to UN has initiated efforts to define the status of Pakistan regarding to terrorism and extremism. While the Islamic state of Afghanistan insists that the regional dimension of terrorism should search deeply in any negations because, the ongoing fighting is not an inner crisis. Terrorists from various countries are gathering in certain locations on the other side of Afghan borders, trained, equipped, and sent to Afghanistan for bloodshed and destructions. Therefore, it is necessary for the world community understanding the existing concerns, think deeper about the foreign dimension of the problem of terrorism in Afghanistan and pay attention    on sanctuaries and funding resources of terrorists and adopts practicable measures for elimination of terrorists in order to end the concerns related to terrorism and extremism in Afghanistan and across the world.  Abdul Khalil Minawi

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