
‘Bamyan To Be Removed From World Heritage List In Danger’

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Kabul (BNA) Prof. Mohammad Rassoul Bawary, the Deputy Cultural Minister of Information and Culture, in a meeting with the UNESCO delegation discussed the issue of removing Bamyan from the world heritage list in danger, with the members approving the plan as a result, BNA reported the other day.
The meeting which was chaired by Prof. Bawary talked about could the giant Buddha Statues in the province, be repaired based on the former preservation of the sculpturing standards or should they be preserved in their current forms.
The UNESCO participating delegation said the process should be applied within three years and Bamyan should be removed from world heritage list in danger, said the agency.
The deputy cultural minister said the ministry of information and culture was prepared to cooperate with the UNESCO in this field.
The Buddha statues have been destroyed during the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

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