
Khalili Praised Tajikistan Assistance To Afghanistan

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Kabul (BNA) The high-ranking delegation of Tajikistan led by its deputy premier met with second vice-president Mohammad Karim Khalili yesterday afternoon and the sides discussed various grounds for implementation of some of the joint infrastructure projects. 
At the meeting recalled friendly relations between the two countries and emphasized on further deepening of this relations in different dimensions. 
Khaili while welcoming the Tajikistan delegation appreciated the assistance of that country in the new era to Afghanistan and called further expansion of bilateral ties to the interest of the two nations. 
The Tajik deputy premier expressed hope that the visit of the Tajikistan delegation can become the turning point in relations of the two countries. 
The Tajikistan delegation latter attended another meeting with the deputy ministers of foreign affairs, economy, energy and water, public works, transport and civil aviation in presence of Khalili. 
At this meeting while reiterating on the finalization of the three infrastructure gas transfer projects of Turkmenistan to Tajikistan from the Afghan territories, railway and power transmission line from Tajikistan to Turkmenistan via Afghanistan, implementation of these important projects were considered a big step towards growth of economy of the two countries and the region. 
They also agreed that the said projects are jointly proposed to the International Regional Cooperation Conference for Afghanistan (RECA 5) that is to be organized next month with presence of over 30 world countries and over 40 international organizations in Dushanbe. 
At this meeting Khalili expressed the hope that the visit of the Tajikistan delegation be a good start for organizing of better international regional economic cooperation for Afghanistan. 
He considered the projects as important and reiterated on their implementation sides. 
The Tajikistan side while emphasizing on the expansion of ties between the two nations in trade, economy, science, culture spheres stated that his country had an outstanding part in conference on Afghanistan especially in Istanbul conference. 
He hoped that the Tajikistan delegation visits to Kabul province beneficial in execution of the infrastructure projects and the regional cooperation conference on Afghanistan. 
At the meeting also agreement was reached on creation of a mechanism under the vice-presidents of the two countries for implementation of large joint economic projects and that its details will be specified later on. 
At the end of the meeting the Tajikistan delegation attended an official lunch hosted by Khalili.

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