
Afghanistan’s Pharma Citical Makes Its First Medicinal Shipment to Iraq

KABUL(BNA): In a pioneering move, the first pharmaceutical shipment produced by the Pharma ceutical Factory in Herat was exported to Iraq today, May 21st.

At a ceremony held for this occasion, Sultan Ahmad Taraki, a board member of the Pharmaceutical manufacturing company in Herat, announced that for the first time, 1.8 million bottles of serum produced by the company have been exported to Iraq.

At the ceremony, Mawlawi Hayatullah Muhajir Farahi, Deputy Governor of Herat, praised the efforts of local industrialists and producers, particularly the officials of the National  Mili Shifa Pharmaceutical Factory, for their significant achievement in producing and exporting the first shipment of medicine abroad.

“In the current government, all necessary facilities have been provided to industrialists and domestic producers, and domestic investors should seize this opportunity to contribute to the prosperity and progress of the country.” He further remarked.

On the other hand, Mawlawi Ahmadullah Muttaqi, Head of Information and Culture of Herat, expressed appreciation for this achievement and emphasized that companies in the industrial town of Herat should focus on improving the quality of their products to demonstrate to the world that Afghanistan has the capability to produce the best medicines.

According to the official of Mili Shifa Pharmaceuticals factory, the company has active representatives in 25 provinces across the country. Beyond fulfilling domestic demands, the company plans to export its products to countries such as Yemen and Syria.


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