
Haqani commander arrested

Thursday, February 21, 2013
Kabul (BNA) a commander of Haqani was arrested in the relevant areas of Khost province yesterday.  Defense ministry reported BNA, Hamdulhaq a commander of Haqani along with two of his men were arrested by personnel of special contingents of national army from Terzai district of Khost province.  The commander had active role in suicide attacks and carrying out of terrorist activities in that province.  2 weapons and quantity of ammunition were seized.  According to another report, a commander of Haqani with 4 of his men was arrested in suburb of Khost city as well.  Ahmad Shah had active role in providing of ammunition and explosives and organizing of suicide attacks and planting roadside mine in that province. He was arrested along with his 4 men by national army personnel

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