
5 Bodyguards of A Parliament Member Killed

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Charikar (BNA) Abaidullah Ramin the representative of people in lower house of parliament of Baghlan survived from a blast but his five bodyguards were killed this morning.
Haji Mohammad Naram the head of anti-narcotic  of Parwan said BNA, Abaidullah Ramin a member of parliament  wanted to trip Baghlan,  while travelling to Baghlan his vehicles hit a roadside mine in Bagram district as a result of explosion of the mine, five of his bodyguards were martyred and four others wounded but he himself survived the blast.
According to the source, the injured were taken to Parwan hospital and their health condition reported critical.
It is being said that three vehicles were completely damaged in the blast.  T. Suraya-Yarzada

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