
“Our Aim is to Bring Lasting Stability Through Rule of Law,” President Ghani

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Kabul (BNA) President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani participated yesterday in 10th graduation ceremony of ANP from national police academy in Kabul.
Congratulating to graduates of the academy, the country’s President said: “You are the real sons of Afghanistan, owner and responsible of the country’s future. Each mother, father, child and elderly people should believe that you are the guardians of their life and property.”
While praising those mothers and fathers who are sending their sons to join the country’s defense and security forces, President Ghani said you have joined ANP by blessing of your parents’ affection to their homeland and this affection would result in building the country.
The country’s President by pointing that the language of police forces should be the language of constitution and national commitment to the country added: “Your President is not submitting his immunity to a tribe or party but to the country’s defense and security forces. I trust on each of you.”
President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani asserted that their aim was to bring lasting stability to the country through rule of law as stability could not be maintained with bullet but created with trust on police.
“Stability can be maintained through rule of law and implementation of the country’s constitution and reforms are not based on relations but Afghanistan national interests. Our commitment is that ANDSF should be the sole organization for using the power,” said President Ghani, adding that the country’s air forces would be tripled and commando forces have been already doubled, which could pave the way for police forces to focus on enforcing the law instead of fighting.
“I direct the Ministry of Interior (MoI) that all administrative affairs of young officers, senior officers, appointments, changings, promotions and implementations should be followed based on the regulations of administrative affairs of officers,” President Ghani said, adding that any person who was appointed based on relations has escaped from the battlefield and the one who has been appointed by giving money that has been embezzled and he would not accept this condition anymore.
The country’s President also asked members of national assembly not to reach out to ministries for appointments and warned if they do so, they would be recorded and exposed on TVs.
At the same event, Interior Minister Wais Ahmad Barmak said MoI was moving on the right direction and they have started codification of a four-year strategy and would be soon delivered to the President.
He assured the people that the Afghan police would stay impartial and would continue their duties in the framework of the law. He promised to maintain gender equality in the Ministry of Interior.
“Recently, 15 women were appointed among the 45 newly-appointed officials in the Passport Department. More employment opportunities will be provided for women in the Interior Ministry,” Barmak told the event.
In the event, decree of the country’s President in connection with granting Ghazi Mir Bacha Khan state medals to three top graduates of the academy was read out.

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