
President Karzai Attends Mutalleb Baig’s Fatha Ceremony

Saturday, January 07, 2012
Kabul (BNA) President of the Islamic of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai attended a ceremony held in the Eidgah on the death praying for a northern Takhar province representative, Abdul Mutalleb Biag who had been killed in a deadly suicide bombing recently, his office said. 
According to the presidential press office, the praying ceremony which was held in the Eidgah mosque, President Hamid, Speaker of the House of people, Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, a number of cabinet and national assembly members, political, scientific and cultural figures, a number of high ranking officials of the ministry of defense and some late Mutalib Baig’s family members and friends had attended. 
The president once again prayed for the soul of the late Mutalib Baig and expressed his deep condolence to the bereaved families. 
Abdul Mutalib Baig, a Takhar representative at the house of people had been killed along with other ten people in a suicide attacks in December 25 during a funeral ceremony of an elder in Takhar province.


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