
Ambassadors: Islamic World Supports Afghan Peace Process

Kabul (BNA) Foreign Minister Mohammad Haneef Atmar held a virtual meeting with Afghan ambassadors to the Islamic countries to discuss the Islamic world’s growing support for the Afghan peace process, the other day.

The ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan discussed their efforts in leading active Islamic-oriented diplomacy.

They briefed the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Hajj on the Islamic world’s growing support for the Afghan peace process.

During the meeting, attended by the Minister of Hajj and Religious Affairs, Mr. Atmar instructed the Afghan ambassadors to Islamic countries to initiate academic and religious exchanges and discussions between scholars of their host countries and religious scholars from Afghanistan in support of peace and stability in the country.

Emphasizing women’s active role in the peace process, the Foreign Minister urged the Afghan Parliament’s female members to contact their counterparts in the Islamic countries and make the necessary efforts to promote the cause of peace and declaring the war and violence in Afghanistan unlawful and illegitimate.

Mr. Atmar noted that by obtaining the fatwas of the Islamic world’s ulema on outlawing war and violence, the Taliban could be made to understand that their war in Afghanistan had no legal basis and that it should end immediately. The Foreign Minister also instructed the Afghan ambassadors abroad to facilitate exchange opportunities for scholars of their host countries to travel to Afghanistan or visit Qatar or facilitate the Afghan religious scholars’ visit to those countries for discussion and gaining a consensus on ending war and violence in Afghanistan.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs praised the Indonesian Government’s efforts to arrange the visit of one of the country’s most prominent scholars to Afghanistan to support the peace process.


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