
President Karzai Confers High State Medals To Kashaf, Abdali

Monday, September 22, 2014
Kabul (BNA) President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai conferred high state medals in a ceremony to Chief of Afghanistan Nationwide Ulema Council Mawlavi Qeyamuddin Kashaf and Deputy of National Security Council and former special Aide of president Shaida Mohammad Abdali in appreciation of their honest services reports the presidential press office to BNA adding that the ceremony which was held on this occasion yesterday afternoon at the presidential palace, the president conferred high state medal of Allama Sayed Jamaluddin Afghan to Mawlavi Qeyammuddin Kashaf and high state medal of Ghazi Wazir Mohammad Akbar Khan to Shaida Mohammad Abdali.
Following the conferring of medals, congratulating Mawlavi Qeyamuddin Kashaf and Shaida Mohammad Abdali, the president requested from the court of Allah the Almighty their success and victory in the direction of serving the Afghan people.

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