
Pakistani Taliban Rejects Islamic Caliphate

Monday, December 21, 2015

Kabul (BNA) Pakistani Taliban and a branch of Mullah Akhtar led Afghan Taliban rejecting, the caliphate declared by Abu-Bakr Al  Baghdadi called it baseless.
Earlier Mullah Akhtar led Taliban calling Abu – Baker Al- Baghdadi’s proclaimed Caliphate baseless and invited him to express allegiance to Taliban Emirate.
Even though, Mullah Akhtar led branch of Taliban have not recognized the Caliphate of Abu-Baker Al- Baghdadi, some Taliban commanders have declared their allegiance for Daesh led by Al- Baghdadi. This division has cause bloody wars between the groups that have claimed the lives many in both sides.
It has said that the Mullah Akhtar Mansour led Taliban who have announced their opposition against Al- Baghdadi has close relation with Pakistan intelligence service. Now Pakistani Taliban has announced their opposition against Daesh led by Al – Baghdadi.
Many believe Pakistani Taliban has established by the intelligence service of that country and assigned to perform the programs of that spying organization. Recently, the Pakistani Taliban declared their support from the branch of Taliban under the leadership of Mullah Akhtar Mansour and once again insisted on the necessity of so-called Jihad in Afghanistan. Now, following the Afghan Taliban reject Daesh and accuses their leader Abu – Baker Al- Baghdadi to infidelity
Recently, Pakistani Taliban releasing a statement has said that Al- Baghdadi was not the caliph of Muslims because he has not elected according to Islamic laws. On the other hand, Baghdadi’s influence among Muslims is very little and restricted to only  parts of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Yamane and a small part of Afghanistan, while, the geography of Islam in very wide and large.
Although, Afghan and Pakistani Taliban have committed serious crimes and atrocities against Muslims so far, but now, Pakistani Taliban releasing a statement accusing Daesh to cruelty and savagery says the Baghdadi’s Caliphate is not Islamic, because, a real Caliph ensures justice, while terrorists affiliated group to Al – Baghdadi in different pretexts have killed a great number of Mujahidin
It should say that earlier Taliban and Daesh orally accused each other for acting against Islamic law. As once, Al- Baghdadi called Mullah Omer the leader of Taliban as an ignorant person and from the address of Mullah Omer, called Baghdadi as man who has lost all Jihad and Mujahidin values.
While, Mullah Omer called himself the caliph of Muslims and Al – Baghdade also calls himself the caliph of Muslims, the influence of the first restricted to a part of Afghanistan the influence of the second restricted to some parts of Iraq and  Syria. Mullah Omer who has introduced as caliph has no any credibility eve inside Pakistan territory while Al- Baghdadi in Jordan considered nothing but a thief.
It should note that sometimes ago an English paper releasing an issue indicates that Al – Baghdadi is a Jewish in origin and affiliated to Israeli intelligence.
Therefore, we can say that Taliban and Daesh are nothing but intelligence projects whose first and last objectives are defaming Islam. 

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