
Turkey’s President Erdogan Calls for Trial of Israeli Officials in International Courts

KABUL (BNA): In a phone conversation with Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Turkish President Rajab Tayyip Erdogan reiterated his call for the trial of Israeli regime officials at the International Court of Justice.

Erdogan stated that these officials should be held accountable for war crimes in Gaza.

This call comes ahead of a United Nations Security Council meeting scheduled for today, Wednesday, November 29, in New York, which will address the situation in Gaza.

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that Hakan Fedan, the Foreign Minister of Turkey, will be participating in the meeting.

It’s worth noting that since the onset of Israel’s operations in Gaza, over 15,500 Palestinians, predominantly women and children, have been killed.

Erdogan has previously condemned Israel’s attacks on Gaza as genocide and labeled the Israeli government as terrorists.


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