
Heavy casualties inflected for Taliban in Faryab province


Friday, October 26, 2012

Faryab (BNA) tens of armed Taliban was killed in heavy clash in Faryab province yesterday.  These clashes started between Taliban fighters and Afghan forces in the Pashtoonkot district and continued yet.  Repor says that clash started after attack of Taliban on several security post of Afghan forces in that province.  Spokesman police of Faryab said that in this clash, 30 armed Taliban including of Mawlavi Yar Mohammad nominated governor of Taliban for Pashtoonkiot district were killed.  Syeed Msasood Yasqoobi said to BNA, in these clashes tens of other armed Taliban including of bodyguards of Mawlavi Yar Mohammad were arrested.  It should be said that the local authorities of Faryab with sending of more forces, arrested other armed Taliban.  Meanwhile, the spokesman police of Faryab said in these clashes, five local policemen were martyred.  The local authorities of Faryab said these clashes continued till cleaning from presence of Taliban in this province.

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