
American Weapons Sale In Black Market

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Kabul (BNA) While the ways that IS and Taliban funded and equipped in Afghanistan face many questions, some sources believe that access of those two terrorist groups to American weapons illegally sold, was the main factor of equipping them.
According BNA report there are claims that IS and Taliban in Afghanistan use the same arms used by Afghan state forces and terrorist groups have access to arms illegally sold in market, Pentagon also confirms that IS equipped itself with American weapons sold in black-market.
The statements come in a time that earlier American authorities had talked about missing an amount of weapons and ammunitions in Afghanistan and Iraq. At the same time, some human rights groups have claimed that Taliban and IS were equipped with American arms and ammunitions
Sometimes ago, IS airing a video claimed that they had accessed to US made weapons.
Briton Based anti- armed violence human rights group claims that from 2001 to 2015 worth 40 b dollars American weapons have distributed in Iraq and Afghanistan. An American special detection organization for Afghanistan in its annual report in 2014 claims that US pays no serious attention to weapons sent to Afghanistan.
According to the group claims that one third of American weapons have registered in Pentagon, while a great number of the weapons sold in black- market.
In addition, some authorities in eastern and southern provinces of Afghanistan and some former Jihadist commanders claim that armed opposition terrorist groups’ access to American weapons and even some unidentified   helicopters asses in accommodation of Afghan armed oppositions.
In spite of that, Pentagon does not explain the access of armed Afghan oppositions to American weapons but accepts that American weapons sold in black- market.
Some Afghan political and security experts said that tribal areas on other side of Durand Line is a safe place for smuggling and illegally selling of weapons.
The experts say Pakistani intelligence in collusion with some other countries’ intelligences are the main financial supporters of criminal bands in Afghanistan and the claim that the unknown helicopters accommodate Afghan armed oppositions could be true. As sometimes ago two Pakistani helicopters on board high ranking generals in pretext of technical problem landed in Logar province under Taliban control area and the generals on board what kind of  instructions gave to Mullah Shireen the commander of Taliban there is not yet known, then the helicopter safely returned to Pakistan.
The above facts indicate that mysterious hands are involved in financing Afghan armed oppositions and those mysterious hands could provide accession of terrorist groups to American arms and weapons.
The national defense ministry of Afghanistan seriously assure regarding to safety and legally use of the weapons and terrorist groups in no way of accession to the weapon.
Acknowledging of American authorities to the selling of US made weapons in black-market is not good news for Afghan people, because the Afghan defending and security forces are equipped the same weapons, on the hand terrorist groups with same weapons target the Afghan innocent people. Therefore, we seriously ask the American relevant authorities, adopting effective and practical measures bar the ways of Taliban’s access to US made weapons.

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