
Hamid Karzai Congratulates New Bangladesh President

Monday May 13, 2013
Kabul (BNA) The message of the president stresses that I am pleased to represent the Afghanistan in conveying my sincerest felicitations on your election as the new President of Bangladesh.
The people of Afghanistan hopes that under your leadership our relations further consolidate and the people of your country attains further progress led by you.
Meanwhile, I would like to convey my deep sympathies to the families of those having lost their lives as a result of collapse of a building in Bangladesh.
I wish early recovery for the wounded of this incident as well.
According to another report a message has been dispatched on behalf of President Karzai addressed to the President of Italy on his election as president of that country.
The messages note: “please allow me to present the sincerest congratulations on behalf of the people of Afghanistan on your re-election as President of Italy”.
Friendly Italy has been one of the supports of the people of Afghanistan and has taken active part in reconstruction of Afghanistan in recent years.
Signing of the strategic cooperation agreement with Italy opened a new chapter in cooperation and friendly relations between the two nations.
We are for further consolidation of ties as per the provision of that agreement.
Once again I felicitate you on this occasion and wish you good health and further prosperity of the friendly people of Italy.

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