
China Supports Afghan Led Peace Process

Sunday, February 09, 2014
Kabul (BNA) President Hamid Karzai alongside attending the inaugural ceremony of Olympic Winter Games met Vladimir Putin President of Russian Federation and Shinin Ping Chinese President.
Presidential press office said BNA, in his meetings that took place at the Sochi City of Russian Federation President Hamid Karzai emphasized on expansion of bilateral relations between Afghanistan and China.
At this meeting President Karzai called his recent visit to China important and positive in expansion of mutual trust and cooperation between the two nations.
Thanking Chinese government of its support to Afghanistan, President Karzai stressed that he is sure that the president and future government of Afghanistan will continue its cooperation with China.
He emphasized that the government of Afghanistan will continue its efforts for ensuring peace and stability in the country, adding that having friendly relations with the neighboring countries has its importance in ensuring peace and stability in the region.
The Chinese President also called having relations with Afghanistan important and assured the China is prepared to cooperate with Afghanistan in the struggle against terrorism, extremism and trans- border crimes with Afghanistan.
He added that China supports Afghanistan’s efforts towards preservation of independence, national sovereignty and its territorial integrity and the peace process led by Afghanistan.
He considered the year 2014 an important year for Afghanistan and emphasized that the fate of Afghanistan is linked with the regional destiny, stressing that China supports expansion of Afghanistan’s presence in regional economic cooperation.
He noted that China is ready for cooperation in reconstruction of Afghanistan especially in upgrading the capacities and encouragement of Chinese for investors in Afghanistan.
He added that China will be host to fourth meeting of the Istanbul process about Afghanistan and has its readiness in his respect.
During the one-day visit to Russian Federation, President Karzai also met Tomas Bakh head of the International Olympic
Committee as well and discussed with him the possibility of inclusion of Afghanistan in the Olympic Winter Games.

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