
Taliban Facing Economic Problems: NATO Spokesman Says

Saturday October 15, 2016

Kabul (BNA) The NATO commander in Afghanistan spokesperson has said that Taliban are facing financial problems.
According the report of BNA the spokesperson of NATO forces in Afghanistan has said that Taliban after the killing of Mullah Akhtar Mansoor the former leader of the group have faced financial problem and for settling the problem, they have increased pressure on public via so-called tax and other illegal ways. Beside this, Taliban have divided to small groups in order to decrees their costs. According NATO forces commander spokesperson the problem has become more serious after the death of Mullah Akhtar Mansoor the leader of Taliban because, he had the responsibility of gathering and managing the aids and his death has disrupted the process of collecting so-called aids.
Afghan political experts believe, Mullah Akhtar Mansoor who was the leader of Taliban for a short period, had an ordinary living. He not only owned a huge wealth via drug trafficking, money laundry and establishing commercial companies, but also by collecting so-called donations from gulf countries gathered huge sums for Taliban. ISI the Pakistani intelligence service was the main mean for establishing commercial companies for Taliban. In addition, the notorious intelligence service of Pakistan by encouraging Taliban for looting Afghan mines and using its territory as a transit rout of the products provided a concrete economic base for Taliban. At the same time, the Pakistani intelligence service provided safe routs for Taliban to smuggling and trafficking narcotic drugs obtained by force from cultivators.
The political experts say with division of Taliban in to several groups and bands and most important of all, the death of Mullah Akhtar Mansoor the then leader of the group the incomes of the group divided in to several parts. Meanwhile, the commanders of the group who were involved in plundering and looting the mines of Afghanistan, now in lack of Mullah Omer and Mullah Mansoor the former leaders of Taliban consider not their obligation to deliver the extracted material to the new leadership of Taliban. These were the main factors for reduction of Taliban’s financial incomes. For settling this problem, Pakistani intelligence service in collusion with the intelligences of some countries of the region tries to provide the ground for accession of Taliban to financial resources in order to fuel the ongoing war in Afghanistan in order to achieve its evil goals in the region.

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