
13 Armed Insurgents Killed

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Kabul (BNA) During the operations of Afghan security forces a number of armed insurgents killed yesterday.
The press office of Interior Ministry told BNA, the Afghan and coalition forces in six joint operations in related areas of Nuristan, Zabul, Maidan-Wardak, Logar, Ghazni and Herat provinces killed 13 armed Taliban, injured two and arrested 33 others.
According to the source, in these operations, a number of light and heavy weaponries of the insurgents which included a pistol, 150 different types of bullets, 16 different types of weapons, a hand bomb, 8 mines, 30 gallons full of explosive materials, 3 motorbikes and a vehicle have been seized by security forces.
According to another report, police forces discovered a BM-1 warhead and two mines from related areas of Maidan-Wardak province.
These ammunitions were placed by state oppositions in the related areas of that province were discovered by police forces.
T. Rateb

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