
Three ISAF Supply Tankers Set On Fire In Baghlan

Monday, May 07, 2012
Kabul (BNA) An ISAF related convoy vehicle had been set ablaze killing its driver after the armed Taliban attacked a coalition convoy in Dushi district of northern Baghlan province, an official said.
Dushi district chief, Shamsuddin Sarhadi said the convoy had been attacked by armed Taliban in Kokbari Khawja Zaid Dushi district of the province resulting one of the vehicle to completely be torched, another partially destroyed and the driver killed.
According to another report, two coalition forces related supply tankers had been burned down in Safa district of southern Zabul Province.
An official from the Zabul provincial police command, Ghulam Jailani said two ISAF convoy vehicles set on fire after the convoy attacked by armed Taliban across the highway of Glokhan between Kabul and Kandahar in Safa district of the province.
He said two fuel tankers of the ISAF had taken fire and completely destroyed and the three drivers wounded, but according to him, the police forces stormed the area and immediately killed in the mutual gun battle.

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