
Marshal Fahim Addresses Meeting Assessing Draft Criminal Law

Monday, December 19, 2011
Kabul (BNA) First Vice-President Marshal Mohammad Qaseem Fahim inaugurated the three-day working workshop for assessment of draft criminal law and other related laws in Kabul. 
Dwelling on the importance of law in the human society Marshal Fahim said that organizing human lives comes as a result of compiling and enforcing of laws in the society. 
He added that in case laws in human society is prepared at the will of small groups and powerful this will affect the overall people of that society and this also brings in cruelty and misuse of others rights and calmness of the people. 
Domination of individuals and usage of law to the interest of a small political group was experienced by our people and we should avoid this in the new era. 
He added that the Afghan criminal code requires reviewing and we need to organize it in accordance with the international conventions and other existing world laws. 
He asked the participants of the lawyers to work on the basis of sacred Islamic Sharia and propose amendment to the criminal code of the country so that its shortcomings are avoided. 
Habibullah Ghalib minister of justice said that the law on criminal code structure-wise a difficult law and has its connections with the country’s Constitutions with the country’s Constitution and other laws and there is need for focusing much attention on it.  
Prof. Gul Rehman Qazi head of the supervision in realization of the constitution, Azizullah Ludeen, head of the administration for supervision strategy in the struggle against corruption, Noor Habib Jalal deputy head of the attorney general office and General Mado of US embassy also spoke in the meeting.

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