
“IS Has Defeated In North.” Says US Commander Forced In Afghanistan

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Kabul (BNA) General Nicholson commander of US forced in Afghanistan says that IS has defeated in Afghanistan.
General Nicholson talking about the recent deadly attacks on IS position in east and north of Afghanistan said that this terrorist group has lost its capability to fight face to face against Afghan security forces. Since terrorist groups has no the capability to fight directly against Afghan forces, therefore, their terrorist attacks on civilians in some parts of the country including the capital.
He claimed that most of the militant in so called Khurasan branch of IS are Pakistani nationals who are carrying out the deadliest attacks on different parts of Afghanistan.
In a newsletter released by American forces commander in Afghanistan pointing to the killing of the senior commanders of IS in north of the country has said that Afghan forces have arrested Khatab Aqa the organizer of IS terrorist activities in Juz Johan, after that American forces have killed his successors Amir and Abo- Samia in air attack in Sar – i- Pul .
The newsletter quoting General Nicholson says that IS in north of Afghanistan has defeated in north of the country and Afghan and American forces have hunting IS militants in every part of Afghanistan, they will have no a safe haven any hideout in the area.  

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