
New Solar-Powered Water Supply Network Brings Relief in Kunduz Community


KABUL(BNA): In a significant development for the local community, the construction of a solar-powered water supply network in the village of Yatim Kolabi, located in the Chahar Dara district of Kunduz, has been completed at a cost of $190,000 USD.

The Kunduz Directorate of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, with financial assistance from the DANIDA office, has built a water supply network with a 20 cubic meter reservoir, 108 household taps, 9 solar panels, a 100-meter deep well, and 5,200 meters of piping.

At the inauguration of the new water supply network, Mawlawi Madani from the Kunduz governor’s office and Mawlawi Abdul Hakim Amin from the Directorate of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, along with several esteemed scholars, praised the new drinking water reservoir as a crucial step in addressing the region’s water shortage.

It is worth mentioning that the completion of this water supply network has provided 260 families in the mentioned village with access to clean drinking water.


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