
GOVT. OFFICIALS, Reported On Uruzgan People’s Problems

Sunday April 21, 2013
Kabul (BNA) Mohammad Karim Khalili second vice-president chaired a meeting in which officials of some ministries presented report on solution of Uruzgan people’s problem.
The meeting considered the decision of the Council of Ministers with respect to the adoption of measures by government ministers as positive in resolving the people’s problems in the province.
The ministers and deputy ministers explained the activities of their respective organs aimed at solution of the problems.
Farouq Wardak Minister of Education informed the meeting of dispatch 36 professional teachers with better salaries to Uruzgan and pledged further improvement in education therein.
Dr. Soraya Dalil Minister of Public Health said that contract with the company that was supposed to build the 50-bed hospital there has been dissolved and the bidding for another contractor is in process.
Najibullah Ouzhen Minister of Public Works said that asphalting of Dehroud to the center of the province has been contracted with the private company.
Wais Barmak minister of rehabilitation and rural development said that Afs. 32 million from the National Solidarity Program has been invested in Uruzgan.
It was decided that the ministry should start work on internal road with a local contractor and with the cooperation of Ministry of Finance contact the Australian government in respect to financing of budget for Tezak Bridge.

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