
No Pretext For Armed Oppositions To Continue War: Afghan Peace High Council Says

Monday, October 29, 2012
Kabul (BNA) The Afghan peace high council has said that there was no any pretext left for Taliban to continue bloodshed in Afghanistan.
While the leadership of Taliban still insists on patricide and destruction of our homeland; as the Taliban leaders on their Eid messages have insisted their followers to continue fighting against international and Afghan forces.
Mullah Omer the so called Taliban top leader has said he would not negotiate with Afghan government, but the peace high council says the people who are not ready for negotiation, are seeking their interests in continuation of unrest and instability in the country.
More detail of the issue:
The Afghan peace high council says proper measures have been taken to ensure the safety of the negotiators of Taliban.
Masoum Stankzai the head of the secretariat of the high council delivering brief information to the media said that they were ready to provide according to the demand of Taliban a safe place in any Islamic countries for direct negotiations for ending this bloody war in the country.
He added, presently, there is no pretext left for continuation of bloodshed anymore. The condition and pretexts the armed oppositions raised for negotiations have been removed. The Afghan government and international community have agreed on withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan and a schedule for the purpose has been prepared.
Security responsibilities have been handed over to Afghan security forces in most parts of the country. The armed oppositions claimed that they had no safety and address to go for negations because they would be arrested.
Now this problem has been solved, the Afghan peace high council is ready to provide a ground for negotiations in any Islamic country that the Taliban leaders prefer.
Earlier the Afghan government under the leadership of President Karzai was willing to hold peace negotiation with Taliban but severely rejected by Taliban leaders under the pretext of the presence of foreign forces in the country. Now, according to the agreement reached between international community and Afghan government, all foreign forces will leave Afghanistan until the end of 2014.
In this way the main pretext of Taliban for ignoring negotiation has been removed. So, if they are free and act independently they should come to the negation table for the sake of their people and homeland.
Mullah Omer the leader of Taliban in his Eid message has said that the Taliban fighting against foreign and Afghan force would be continued and has asked his militia not to accept the proposal of Afghan government for peace negotiations. The chief of Afghan peace high council says there are certain individuals who see their interests in continuation of unrest and destruction in Afghanistan; therefore, they prefer to fight against peace and stability in the country.
The Afghan president in his speech on the occasion of Eid festivals asked Taliban to leave their weapons on the ground and take part in the government via elections through the vote of people. But it would be difficult for Taliban to accept the demand of Afghan president because what they did during their rule in Afghanistan has left no place for them to go to the elections. During the reign of Taliban many people, especially women and girls were deprived from working outside the house and going to school. Their atrocities are not forgettable among people.      
Kalil Minawi BNA General Director

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