
Wolesi Jerga Hears Rassoul’s Peace Report

Saturday, January 05, 2013
Kabul (BNA) The House of people heard a report by foreign minister about the peace talks with the armed oppositions.
Chaired by Abdul Zahir Qader first secretary of the House of People, while Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs was also present, heard the report of Dr. Zalmai Rassoul Foreign Minister about the peace talks with the armed opposition. 
The deputies also took note of the issue of interpellation of the ministers who have expended their 1390 development less than 50%. 
The meeting also discussed destruction of the Faizabad, Badakhshan roads and inattention of the public works department, usurpation of 47,000 jirib of land in Kabul City by the powerful, non-revelation of the names of the usurpers and they emphasized that these individuals should be introduced to the judicial organs. 
The minister of foreign affairs also explained issues pertaining to the visit of president Karzai to the USA, the opening of the Taliban office in Qatar and Paris conference. 
He said that the participants of the Paris conference were invited by France in which the representatives of the opposition, high peace council. 
Taliban and Hezbi Islamic led by Hekmatyar. According to Dr. Zalmai Rasoul the Paris conference had no specific agenda and it was just a discussion among the participants. 
As regards the opening of the Taliban office in Qatar he said that the government of Afghanistan will agree with the agreement of Qatar government on the opening of the office that Taliban official support the talks and accept the conditions of Afghanistan otherwise, it’s opening will be impossible. 
In respect to President Karzai’s visit to the US he said that it is an important trip of the president and discussions will take place with the US authorities on issues pertaining to political, economic, security transition, the process of peace with the armed opposition, method of delivery of assistance of the international community especially the US after 2014 to Afghanistan and regional issues. 
He added that the president intends to explain personally the results of this visit to the parliament of the country.

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