
Anti-Terrorism Operation concludes in Baghlan

Friday, June 29, 2012

Baghlan (BNA) the in charges of Baghlan said that in a military operation in Baghlan province they destroyed several hideouts of armed Taliban in that province.  According to these in charges, in this 4 days operation, 14 armed Taliban were killed and tens of arms were seized by Afghan forces.  This operation under the title of “Zolfeqar” conducted four days back in the outskirts of Baghlan Markazi by police forces, national security and with cooperation of NATO forces.  Asadullah Shirzad police official of Baghlan said to BNA, in this operation, 14 armed Taliban were killed, and 22 villages of fighters were destroyed.  Shirzad said nothing about casualties of Afghan and civilians in this operation. 

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