
Pakistan Diplomat Summoned Over Peshawar Incident

Saturday June 4, 2016

Kabul (BNA) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan summoned chargés d’ affaires of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan here the other day, and expressed the strongest protest of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan over stopping of General Counsel’s vehicle of Afghanistan on the way to his office in Peshawar by security officers of that city, a MoFA statement said. In this meeting, Mosa Arifi head of the first political division of Foreign Ministry, besides strongly condemning the mentioned event, called this event as strong contradiction with the principles of diplomatic and Consular relations and relevant international conventions, expressing deepest concerns over this event and pointed out to Pakistani side to strictly prevent from such behavior in the future for the prevention from damages to both countries relations, the statement continued. During the meeting, Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted a protest notes to Pakistani side in connection to mentioned incident. At the end, charge d affaires of embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Kabul promised to deliver the concerns and protest notes of the government of Afghanistan to relevant authorities of his home country.

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