
ANSF Firmly Committed To Provide Countrywide Security

Sunday, June 23, 2013
Kabul (BNA) Finally the 5th and final phase of security transition process from international troops to the Afghan security institutions took place and completion of the 5th round of the transition give an end to the role of international forces in security maintenance of Afghanistan and following the 5th round foreign troops would have only an advisory role to support ANSF in military training sphere and in equipping them with latest technology and weaponries. Following completion of the 5th and final phase of security transition process, only Afghan forces would take the charge of military operations and international forces which have been engaged in combating terrorism and insurgency alongside ANSF would leave Afghanistan step by step by the end of 2014. it should be realized that there are some misconceptions and contrary perceptions over war capabilities of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) which are expressed by some particular circles and elements who opposes the current political system and specially following assertions of Pakistani chief of army staff Gen. Ashfaq Parwez Kayani during the trilateral summit in Brussels in which he had said that war season yet to be instigated in Afghanistan. But, in response to such negative perspectives, ANSF approved their war potentials after foiling series of terror conspiracies and recaptured a number of districts in provinces of Nuristan, Nangarhar and Kunar Bordering neighboring Pakistan.
During the current year, the insurgents Taliban on succeeded to carry out a number of coordinated suicide attacks and explosions and mine plantation according to a particular strategy to forge carnage among the civilian population in order to approve their war capacity and presence and success of ANSF after 2014 extremely need moral and political cooperation of Afghan nation and government and the Afghan people who have dispatched their sons in the strength of our armed forces should be proud of their courage and firm determination and should support them in their legacy and national mission which is protection of Afghanistan from evil eyes. Alongside that international community is also obliged to continue longstanding supports to the Afghan national security forces and ensure providing them with the latest arms and ammunitions by the end of 2014 in order to further promote military strength of these forces to accomplish their task effectively and overcome on the security threats in satisfactory approach following foreign troops vacuum. Addressing the special ceremony on occasion of 5th and final round of security transition process held here in Kabul on Tuesday president Karzai urged that ANSF should be equipped and formed with consideration of power balance in the region. It’s vital to realize that completion of the 5th and final phase of security transition process from international troops to the Afghan forces wiped out two negative perceptions over national sovereignty of Afghanistan and most importantly on the current political administration as some circles were interpreting that Afghanistan has lost its national sovereignty and the present political system is poppet government which has been established by western powers.

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