
Qanooni Meets Islamic Brotherhood Council’s Head, Members

Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Kabul (BNA) First Vice-President, Mohammad Younus Qanooni met yesterday a number of members of Afghanistan Islamic Brotherhood Council.
Presidential press office stated BNA, in the meeting, the first vice president while pointing out related to remarkable role of the country’s ulamas in consolidation of stability and solidarity of people said, “We’re happy that presence of variety of religions in the country has caused national unity and participation of ulamas both Sunni and Shia are key in this regard, adding as variety of religions of the people of Afghanistan were not challenging and contrarily causing friendship and solidarity between the people, we express happiness and it’s because of Islamic awareness, cohesion and high culture maintained by the country’s religious ulemas .”
In the meeting, head of the council Mawlavi Habibullah Hasam and a member in the council Urfani spoke and extended condolence and sympathy over incidents in Badakhshan and other provinces of the country said the people of Afghanistan were good people and living with brotherhood and friendship and sharing their sorrow with each other.
They hoped Afghanistan election was to be managed as it could respond presence of millions of the people and result in consolidation of friendship and stability in the country.
According to another report, the vice president Mohammad Younus Qanooni met UN special envoy to Afghanistan Jan Kubis and exchanged views on matters related to the election process, the other day.
The vice president, according to BNA thanked the world body for paying attention to the natural disaster affected people in Afghanistan, saying the landslide caused a tragedy and Afghanistan needs international community’s support.
Qanooni also noted that the people of Afghanistan are hopeful to have the desired result of the elections announced by the elections bodies soon.
He also noted that Afghans besides having elections need national understanding to have their next government based on the result of the elections.
In his remarks, the UN special envoy noted expressed sorrow over the landslide tragedy in Badakhshan province and expressed sympathy with the people and government of Afghanistan as well as with those who had lost dears and nears in the deadly natural incident.
The UN envoy also assured support to the affected people. He also hoped that the outcome of the elections would lead to ensuring durable peace and stability in Afghanistan and the world body would continue to support the country.

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