
Higher Education Minister Visits Parwan University Lauds Achievements and Pledges Projects Completion

KABUL(BNA): Sheikh Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadim, the acting Minister of Higher Education, recently visited Parwan University. He commended the efforts and dedication of the university’s leadership, observed the teaching process in several faculty classes, and expressed his satisfaction with the quality of the instructors’ teaching.

Sheikh Mohammad Nadim addressed the students, referring them as the future builders of the nation and emphasizing that Afghanistan’s future depends on their wisdom and understanding. He encouraged them to seize the opportunities available and strive to play a pivotal role in the country’s development.

Additionally, the acting Minister instructed that for eligible students who do not have accommodation in the dormitory of Parwan University, a building should be rented to serve as a dormitory.

At the end, the acting Minister of Higher Education announced that efforts are underway to complete pending projects across all educational institutions, including Parwan University.


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