
Five Pakistani Nationals among 39 Rebels Kill in Military Operations

Friday March 13, 2021
Kabul (BNA) As many as 39 anti-government militias were killed during military operations conducted by Afghan national defense and security forces in southern Kandahar province the night before last.
The terrorists have been targeted in various parts of Panjwayee, Zheri and Dand districts of the province.
Press office of Attal army corps in the south of the country by releasing a statement reported, 39 armed oppositions including five Pakistani nationals were killed and 10 more were wounded.
Three hideouts and two convoys of Taliban fighters have targeted during the military operations, the statement added.
Taliban said nothing about the military operations so far.
According to another report, Afghan national defense and security forces by discovering and neutralizing 20 rounds of different type of mines succeeded to prevent several deadly incidents in crowded areas of Kandahar province.
No one was arrested accused of the foiled mine plantings.

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