
Afghanistan War Will Not Be Outsourced To Private Business; NSC

Friday October 5, 2018 Kabul (BNA) Today, our forces are successfully defending Afghanistan’s territorial integrity, the rights of Afghan citizens, and our national and Islamic values. Press office of National Security Council reported BNA, a debate has recently emerged regarding privatizing the Afghan war, with the purpose of adding new foreign and unaccountable elements to our fight. This idea violates the principle that Afghans determine their own future. Afghan security and defense forces, under the framework of all applicable laws of the country, have the primary responsibility and authority for safeguarding the noble values of Islam, our national sovereignty, and the independence and territorial integrity of our beloved country and people. The war on terrorism is led – and will continue to be led – by Afghan national security and defense forces with support from our international allies. Under no circumstances will the Afghan government and people allow the counterterrorism fight to become a private, for-profit business. In no manner does the government of Afghanistan condone this destructive and divisive debate. As a sovereign nation, we will consider all legal options against those who try to privatize war on our land. The protection of our Islamic values, our national way of life, and our citizens are this government’s most sacred responsibility. This cannot and will not be outsourced to private business. We will not allow our struggle to be cheapened by the prospect of profits. The government of Afghanistan remains steadfast in its commitment to leading the fight against terrorism. Ansari

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